Brad Martin


From the Desk Of Brad Martin

Vancouver, BC,


If you’re ready to finally be able to hit your income goals, feel completely secure in your business, and really make an impact on the world. This might be the most important letter you ever read. 


But first I have a little confession. If you’re looking for a solution that requires you to never get on the phone and talk to a prospective client, this is not for you.


My solution is based around building relationships with people, the real people that coaches help.


That means investing time into becoming a good salesperson as well as a great coach. The key word being “good” you don’t have to become a rockstar salesperson. You just need to be able to follow a process, and ask for the sale.


Anyways let’s talk about….

Building A Rock Solid Coaching Practice

The method I’m about to reveal to you isn’t based on any crazy “funnel hacks” or fancy lead “magnets”. Not that those are bad but they are simply not necessary.


This method is focused on something more powerful.


Human connection.


Let me explain what I mean….


Who do you follow that really resonates with you? Who everytime you see a piece of their content, you click and open it, and get real value from it.


Think of that person, now would you buy something from them?


If they offered you something that seemed to be exactly what you needed, would you buy it?


The answer is most likely “yes” or “I’ve already bought something from them”


And why is that? Simple…

People Buy From People They Know, Like, And Trust

And the best part. You can be that person that your prospects knows, likes, and trusts, before you ever even get on the phone.


Imagine this for a second.


You’re prepping for a call with a potential call with a client. Your sixth call of the day, because today is discovery call day. 


You’re feeling invincible, of the last six calls, you’ve closed and collected deposits from four of them. You already ran the credit cards and the cash will show up in your account tomorrow morning.


You get on the phone, and it’s another great call. The prospect already knows the sound of your voice, loves your outlook on life, and feels connected to you.


You follow your simple sales call framework, and the icing on the cake. They already know and are prepared to pay your price. Even if it’s in the top 10% of people in your industry.


[Subheadline] How This Works Is Really Simple


We take the organic social media relationship building, and turn into an automated system that runs on ads. A system you can control.


An almost endless tap that you can turn on at any time to massively grow your audience, build a relationship with them, and sign them on as clients (and yes grow your follower base).


No giant stressful machine made by connecting a ton of online funnel tools, automation tools, writing 20 free ebooks, or a webinar.


Nope instead you…


You introduce yourself to people in your target market that don’t know you–with something helpful and relevant to them and the problem you solved. Usually a how to video or a story that provides a lesson. And you throw it out to your target market.


And if you put a video out there that solves a specific problem for the exact people you want to work with. Who is going to watch it?


People that have the problem you fix and are interested in fixing it! And guess who just helped them? 





This Is Just The Beginning

You then take everyone that watches that video, and you start showing them more of your content. All of that content you worked hard for social media posts is now super relevant again. You can reuse that asset to build a super powerful “bond” with your people.

They consume your content, get to know, like, and trust you. Then all you need to do is tell them what to do if they want your help.


It’s Easy & Simple

So easy and simple that it works every time! Assuming of course you’re a good coach and can actually help people… Which if you’re reading this I’m sure you are.

So how exactly do you set all this up?

That’s a great question, and I want to explain it all to you personally with a free(for now) 1 hour coaching call.

On this call we will go over…

After the call is over, you will feel a much needed sense of relief, because you will know exactly what to do next to take your business to the next level, and beyond.


Fill out the form below to get started, and keep an eye on your email box. One of my team members will reach out to book in your time slot.

Also if you’re wondering why I’m giving away so much of my time for free there are a couple of reasons.


  1. I genuinely love helping people and hearing the sound of their voices change when they realize there’s a clear path to coaching success.
  2. At the end of the call, if you want my help setting up what I teach you, I’ll explain how that can happen. No pressure, just an easy conversation.


Sounds fair, right?


Anyways please fill out the form right away, Once my calendar fills up, I will be taking this offer down and going back to my usual $250 per hour consulting fee.


Looking forward to talking with you,


 Brad Martin